Kohnkes Own GASTRO COAT®
Many horses need help to maintain the normal physiological function and health of their gastro-intestinal tract. This is especially important for racing and equestrian horses which are training in moderate to intense levels, or travelling and competing regularly.
Kohnke’s Own Gastro-Coat is a natural, helpful supplement for the stomach and small intestine of horses. Gastro-Coat has ingredients that contribute nutrients supporting the actions in the stomach and small intestine to help maintain digestive health and improve appetite.
Which Horses may Benefit
All horses to improve salivation and chewing efficiency.
Provides a physical lining to the stomach walls that may assist horses to maintain appetite and normal digestive function.
Those travelling long-distance trips.
Horses training and competing in racing and equestrian sports to support stomach health and gastric function.
Horses competing or racing regularly.
Major Ingredients
Gastro-Coat contains natural compounds which are present in the diet of horses, but are destroyed by heat processing commonly used to make commercial prepared feed mixes. These natural compounds may be low or inadequate in the modern diet of horses in training, racing or competition.
Natural mucilage compounds and phospholipids
Does not contain soy, wheat products or fillers
Sticky powder with a palatable vanilla milk flavour
Supplementation Guidelines for New Zealand
Each level scoopful of Gastro-Coat provides 40 grams.
In the Feed: 80 grams of Gastro-Coat can be mixed into the regular feed may improve appetite and support the health of the gastro-intestinal system.
In a Small Feed (most popular): Give 80 grams of Gastro-Coat in a small feed of preferably lucerne chaff 30 minutes before training, travelling or competition may help horses maintain normal stomach function during the trip.
As an oil paste: Gastro-Coat can be given as an oil paste 5 -10 minutes before training or travelling for fussy horses or those reluctant to eat before or after working. Make the paste with 80 grams of Gastro-Coat and roughly 80 mls of vegetable or canola oil. It is recommended to paste Gastro-Coat with oil rather than water as the compounds in Gastro-Coat become activated with water (as similar to saliva) and become sticky in the oral syringe.
Pack Sizes and Days Supply
1 kg pouch (Starter Pack, 12 days supply)
3 kg bucket (38 days supply)
6 kg bucket (75 days supply)
10 kg bucket (125 days supply)
** Days supply is calculated from the 80 gram dose which is suitable for horses (500 kg body weight) for daily supplementation.
Frequently Asked Questions
Do you have a Dragon Horse?
Even mild irritation, can make horses sensitive in the stomach, girthy, reluctant to go forward or become picky eaters.
Gastro Coat can be used long term without negative effects in horses with gastric sensitivity to support health and integrity of the stomach.
What signs indicate that Gastro Coat may be beneficial?
Many horses suffer digestive discomfort during and after exercise and when travelling, especially during longer trips where they are not given feed containing adequate mucilage as their stomach empties. This can lead to symptoms of poor appetite and ‘picky eating’ after exercise or competition. Many horses also develop unsettled behaviour due to this discomfort if they do not have access to feed containing adequate mucilage compounds.
Can i feed Gastro Coat when travelling and competing?
Yes. Many show and equestrian horse owners observe that a horse is “good at home” and behaves well, without being restless, but after transport (usually more than an hour in duration), or at a show, the horse becomes more restless. Try Gastro-Coat as a short course before travelling or competing (does not swab) to help horses arrive eager to work, eat and drink.
Can i use use Gastro Coat just for competition and busy show days?
Yes. Gastro Coat is also suitable for horses during competitions or busy shows,
Can Gastro-Coat be given to foals as well?
Yes. Gastro-Coat mixed into a small amount of milk and given over the tongue just before feeding, helps to provide natural mucilages and assist salivation as the foal drinks, especially if it is an young orphan foal being fed milk with a bottle or from a bucket.
How can my horse benefit from Gastro Coat?
Gastro Coat is designed to assist saliva in maintaining normal physiological and optimum digestive conditions.
Can Gastro Coat be used at the same time as medications
Yes. Gastro-Coat is safe to use alongside medications.
Does Gastro Coat contain any banned substances?
No. Gastro Coat does not contain any banned substances or contravene the Rules of Racing or FEI Competition. Gastro Coat will not swab and is completely legal to be used with all performance horses in FEI competitions.
Customer comments
‘Izzie is my 12 year old mare. I bought her as a green 9yo around three and a half years ago. As I began working and competing her more she began to get a little grumpy and act really out of character. We discovered it was stomach ulcers! Kohnke’s Own Gastro-Coat has really helped up to maintain her gastro-intestinal health, it is now a staple in her diet and we wouldn’t take her off it! She is just so happy and performs really well while being fed the supplement.’ Morgan L
‘My thoroughbred gelding Frank had become cranky and girthy and felt like he was uncomfortable when ridden. After talking with the team at Kohnke’s Own, I started Frank on Gastro-Coat and within a few short weeks he has improved considerably, he is no longer girthy and is much happier to be handled and ridden.’ Caterina H